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For more information and history, see wikipedia:BASF

Tape catalog


The LGS series were available in the 1960s. The tape was produced on a Luvitherm base.

The following information was taken from the Magnetophonband BASF catalog:

Type Description Purpose Reel diameter (cm) Length (m) Playing time at 1 7/8 ips Playing time at 3 3/4 ips Playing time at 7 1/2 ips
LGS 52 Standard tape on Luvitherm base The indisctructable tape for daily educational and professional use 13 180 60 30 15
15 270 90 45 22,5
18 360 120 60 30
LGS 35 Longplay tape on Luvitherm base All purpose tape: strong and flexible; can also be used on 4 track recorders 8 65 22 11 5,5
10 135 45 22 22
13 270 90 45 22,5
15 360 120 60 30
18 540 180 90 45
LGS 26 Doubleplay tape on Luvitherm base Extremely flexible; especially for 4 track recorders 8 90 30 15 7,5
10 180 60 30 15
13 360 120 60 30
15 540 180 90 45
18 730 240 120 60


Early 1960s

Typ LGS 35

Mid 1960s

Late 1960s

Typ LGS 26

Mid 1960s

Late 1960s


Typ PES 26

Mid 1960s

PES 26

Mid and late 1960s

Archive box

Mid 1960s

The LGS 35 and LGS 26 were also available in a set of 3 pieces with an archive box. By sticking a pin through the holes on the upper and lower back corners, the boxes can be mounted together.